Sunday, September 29, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a body weight chipper with a kettlebell chaser.  No weights just your own body weight as resistance.  These training sessions can be more taxing than weight training sessions.  Focus on quality full range of motion reps, NOT fast "get it over with" reps.  Take the extra time and get 'em right.

100 squats / 15 swings
90 flutter kicks / 15 swings
80 gorilla jacks / 15 swings
70 push-ups / 15 swings
60 good mornings / 15 swings
50 high knees / 15 swings
40 sit-outs / 15 swings
30 sit-ups / 15 swings
20 burpees / 15 swings
10 plank jumping jacks / 15 swings

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

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