Monday, April 29, 2024


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Today is going to be a mix of body weight, kettlebells, and cardio.  A kitchen sink like workout.  We are going to put them into the belnder and see what we come up with today.  One thing is for sure, we will be working hard.

5 rounds

1 minute jump rope
30 kettlebell lunges
10 star jumps
20 kettlebell hi pulls
10 seal push ups
10 triple crush
10 knees to elbows

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always..

Sunday, April 28, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a body weight / kettlebell combo training session.  Very simple.  If you need to use assistance on the pull ups that is perfectly acceptable, just make sure that you DO them.  Don't blow it off, assisted pull ups help you build up your strength to do the real thing.  This is a great strength and conditioning combo.  

6 Rounds

Take rest as need in between rounds 

5 pull ups
5 2 heavy handed swings 
10 push ups
10 2 medium handed swings
20 full sit ups
20 2 light handed swings  

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey and Manny always..

Saturday, April 27, 2024


Today we are going to do the FIST version of the plate workout.  So begin with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Now that the weather is changing, spend a little more time warming up to heat up your engine.  Wrestling season is coming, we hope!!..

4 minutes of 30 second intervals of calisthenics (jumping jacks, mountain climbers, gorilla jacks, squats)

Use any plate you want- 10, 25, 35, or 45lbs.

clean and press
front squat
tricep extension
axe choppers 
bent over rows

25 yd bear crawl 

Do all of the plate exercises and then sprint. 6 full rounds of plate movements and 6 sprints.  Rest 1-2 minutes in between sets.  No longer than 2 minutes.

Cool down, have a nice day.. EL Rey and Manny always...

Friday, April 26, 2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a training session from one of my mentors Ken Blackburn. 

"Here is a challenging, straight forward and applicable circuit I put together for my MMA, BJJ and Kettlebell Sport folks.
Sprawl + Deadlift - 10 reps
Bulgarian Bag Spins - 10 reps (5 per side) 
*Complete for a continuous 5 min set. Rest 1-2 min and repeat for 2-3 sets.
Mitch demonstrates the above with 2 x 32kg kettlebells and a 50lb Bulgarian Bag. 
Involves multiple movement patterns at a high heart rate while simultaneously targeting shoulder/thoracic mobility."

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to have a bit of fun training.  Everyone enjoys the grab bag circuit.  Its very simple put 10-20 different exercises down on paper, and throw them into a bag.  Pick out 5-10 and you have your circuit.  You can do it for reps or for time.  Make sure that you are equitable between your strengths and weaknesses.  Always put several movements in there that you struggle with mentally and physically. So for sure there will be OH squats in mine... Have some fun and have a great training session.

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey and Manny always.. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a Bulgarian Bag and Battling Ropes combo.  Several sets of 1 Bulgarian Bag movement followed by a turn with the ropes.  This is a great core/grip/endurance/strength training session.  Very simple in design.  Use your timer and work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds.  Similar to a tabata protocol, but it is an effective way to work with a large group and get tons of reps.

Arm Throws
Clean and Front squat
Hammer Curls
Snap Downs

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always.. 

Monday, April 22, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement and foam.  This is the link for part 2 of joint mobility by Steve Cotter.  This is really an essential part of the training.  DON'T skip it. 

5 rounds  w/ alrap

2 minute jump rope (If you "can't" jump rope, use the time to practice and get better.  If you don't have a jump rope, get one.  Substitute jumping jacks if you have no jump rope)

10 TRX rows
10 TRX 1 legged squat
10 TRX push ups
10 TRX knee tucks
10 TRX curl / tricep extension

 Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always... 

Sunday, April 21, 2024


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement. Focus on the upper back and shoulders.  Those overhead static holds do a number on you.  Then time to get into it.  We are going to do a 20 minute go today-non stop. Explosive movements.. Think hip drive and power..

20 minutes amrap

200m  Row or Run
10 medicine or Fit ball smashes
3 tire toss or 10 snatches 5L/R
10 front squats 5L/5R
10 step ups 

Cool down, have a nice day.. EL Rey and Manny always... 

Saturday, April 20, 2024


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Strength day today. One movement. Longer rest, short reps, heavier weight. Warm up that posterior chain well, dead lifts today as well as the rest of your body.  The dead lift is an exercise that you perform daily probably without even realizing it.

10 sets of 3
70% of your max (for example if your max is 100 pounds workout with 70 pounds for 10 sets of 3)
5 pull-ups after each set

2 minutes rest in between sets

5 sets of 30/30
speed sets (run hard for 30 seconds / jog for 30 seconds)

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always..

Friday, April 19, 2024

Thursday, April 18, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a body weight blast.  Just a circuit of simple movements to get the blood going and the build up some agility, coordination, and have a little fun.

5 rounds

10 yds bear crawl
50 squats
10 yds scorpion crawl L
40 sit-outs (20L / 20R)
10 yds scorpion crawl R
30 split jumps
10 yds of burpee broad jumps
20 push ups
10 yds of frog hops
10 full sit ups

Extra : Cartwheels, wall walks, splits, round-offs, & forward/backward rolls

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always.. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Today we are going to do a barbell workout.. We are going to combine all of the Olympic lifts and make them into a circuit.  So begin with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Use manageable kettlebell as it pertains to weight.  
Each lift is done in succession. Don't move on to the next exercise until you have finished the previous one. 

4 rounds

5 suit case dead lift
5 dead kettlebell clean
5 double kettlebell snatch
5 jerks 
5 flutter kicks (4 counts)
5 burpee

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always..

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today gonna head down to the dungeon and hit the heavy bag.  I always like to change things up every now and then.  Plus punching the heavy bag relieves a lot of stress and is a helluva workout.  Timed sets plus some calisthenics make for a great training session.

10 Rounds
1 minute heavy bag (punch, kick, knee, elbow)
10 squat thrust / sit-outs
10 sit-ups
5 tuck jumps

work on head/hand stands, back bridges, hand stand push-ups

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always.. 

Monday, April 15, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today is super simple. One full body exercise that really taxes the central nervous system.  All you're going to do is st the timer and go.  You can pick your time limits.  I like to do one long set of continuous singles after I have completed 5 on each arm with out switching.  Drum roll... Turkish Get Ups.. This is Steve Cotter's variation on the basic movement

20 minutes of TGUs..

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey and Manny always... 

Sunday, April 14, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to continue with the ladder progression. Similar to the 12 days of Christmas training session.  10 exercises each one is a specific number of reps. SIT-OUT REPS ARE SINGLES NOT L/R..  Full body go.. Enjoy

1 to 10 rest.. then 10 to 1

1 Windmill L/R
1 sit-out 
2 OH Kettlebell Squats L/R
2 sit-out 
3 2 Hand Swings
3 sit-out  
4 Kettlebell Halos L/R
4 sit-out 
5 Clap Push-ups
5 sit-out 
6 Cleans L/R
6 sit-out 
7 Sumo / Upright Row
7 sit-out 
8 Hi-Pulls L/R
8 sit-out 
9 Kettlebell Sit-ups
9 sit-out 
10 Snatch L/R
10 sit-out

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always..

Saturday, April 13, 2024


Simple training session today.  Row, ride or run a specific distance as quickly and efficiently as possible.  I have chosen to row 10,000 meters.  If you don't have access to a rower.. Hit the pavement or a bike.  10,ooo meters is roughly 6.2 miles.  Get after it.. 

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to do Bulgarian Bag / kettlebell combo today along with some flexibility work.  Matching movements with different pieces of equipment.  Although the mechanics of the movement are similar, but different small muscles groups are taxed when using the Bulgarian Bag and vice versa with the kettlebell.

For reps or time

snap downs / snatches
doughnut swings / swings
BB cleans / double cleans
spins / halos
good mornings / scdl

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always..  

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Warm up today with joint mobility, dynamic movement and foam roller.  5x5s today with body weight.  Very lo-tech but challenging.  So really warm up those shoulders, low back and hamstrings...

20 minutes amrap

5 burpee broad jumps
5 good mornings with 24kg BB 
5 tuck jumps
5 pull ups
5 dips

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey and Manny always...

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a 4 movement, tabata style training session.  Complete each movement in the circuit 8 times with a 30 second on / 10 second off time sequence.  Multiple combo movements just to keep things interesting. It is just over 21 minutes of training with a 3-1 work to rest ratio.. Good Reps.. Get after it.. 

8 Rounds of 30 seconds on / 10 seconds off 

Hi Pull / Catch / Squat
Squat Thrust / Bent Over Row
Swing / Clean / Rotational Press L
Swing / Clean / Rotational Press R

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Monday, April 8, 2024


Warm up with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Today we are going to do the meat grinder.  Chalk up your hands and choose the appropriate weight.  Get the posterior chain nice a ready to go.  This workout is broken up into 3 segments. Upper, lower, and full body segments. 5-8 reps max on each movement, and keep pushing. This is done with 1 kettlebell, and done in succession with no rest until you reach the final movement of the set.

 5-8 reps. All exercises are for L/R

Set 1                                               
clean and press                 
clean and front squat
upright row

Set 2
clean and press
clean and press
clean and front squat
clean and press
upright row
clean and press
clean and press

Set 3
clean and front squat
clean and front squat
clean and press
clean and front squat
upright row
clean and front squat
clean and front squat

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always..

Sunday, April 7, 2024


Warm up with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Today we are going to to do some high intensity circuit training (HIIT).  It will combine many of the areas that we have been working on this week during training especially hip and hamstring mobility, strength, and flexibility.  It is a 40-20 go for 5 rounds. Get warmed up and HIIT it!!!

5 rounds
40 seconds on / 20 seconds off

Airdyne or row sprint
Ukrainian dead lift
Bosu ball chest press
TRX pistol squat (alternating legs)
 2 handed swing

Cool down, have a nice day...  El Rey and Manny always..  

Saturday, April 6, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Rack 'em up.  Old school back squat with a step up chaser, 1 legged dead lifts, and a little foot work.  Simple strength and conditioning day.  If you don't have access to a squat rack, you can use dumbells, kettlebells, or body weight (just increase the reps a bit).  You can also roll out after each round to continue to break up fascia in your legs.  This will increase blood flow and help muscle tissue to recuperate.

5 sets

5 back or front squats (increase work load each work set after warmup set)
5 L/R one legged dead lifts
10 step ups 
agility ladder
50 jump rope skips

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always..

Thursday, April 4, 2024


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Killer combo week continues.... Alternating exercises today in 30 second intervals with 10 seconds change time.  This is a great conditioning work out.

6 Rounds (total of 24 minutes of work time)

Fitball swing squats / ab wheel

Alternating Step ups / push ups

Fitball smashes / back extension

Fitball spins / dips

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey and Manny always.. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a simple training session.  FIST 100s.. Great mental test and endurance builder.  Focus on form.. NOT speed.. Nail each rep.. Do not move on until you've completed each exercise. Chalk up and get after it..


100 swings
100 squats
100 walkouts
100 rows
100 jerks

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always.. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to do a simple workout.  All you need is a jump rope, your own body weight, and a kettlebell... Jumping rope is one of the sneaky hard exercises that really forces your whole body to work.  If you can't jump rope for a sustained period of time, do jumping jacks. Try and do this with as little rest as possible.

5 rounds

1 minute jump rope
20 swings
20 push ups
20 snatches 10L / 10 R

20 jump squats

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always...

Monday, April 1, 2024


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit simple, but effective you go / I go training session.  Sorry, Uncle B it's your least favorite exercise, but I'll make it up to you.  Break it up into 10 sets of 10 reps with a burpee chaser.  Full body go, get warm and get 'er done.

You go / I go format

10 Sets of 10 Reps
Double Kettlebell Thrusters with a 3 Burpee chaser after each thruster set


Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey and Manny always..