Thursday, September 30, 2021


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a 5-4-3-2-1 strength workout.  Just 3 exercises, but a lot of bang for your buck.  It will hit the whole body.  This is a great compliment to the endurance training session from yesterday.  Make sure that you use moderately challenging weight here.  Not too easy.. Not too hard..

3 Rounds
each exercise is done for 5-4-3-2-1 reps

Clean and Jerk
Pull ups

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always..

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Strength day today. One movement. Longer rest, short reps, heavier weight. Warm up that posterior chain well, dead lifts today as well as the rest of your body.  The dead lift is an exercise that you perform daily probably without even realizing it.

10 sets of 3
70% of your max (for example if your max is 100 pounds workout with 70 pounds for 10 sets of 3)
5 burpees after each set
2 minutes rest in between sets

5 sets of 30/30
speed sets (run hard for 30 seconds / jog for 30 seconds)

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always..

Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement and foam roller.  Today I'm just going to get a good sweat going and hit the rower for a timed 5k run.  Under 20 minutes for the run is my goal.. Follow that up with some body weight movements.

Row or Run timed 5k
50 pullups
100 push ups
200 situps

Cool down, have a nice day...  El Rey and manny always..

Monday, September 27, 2021


Re-post of a crusher.. Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement. Strength and endurance are the name of the game this week.  Time to push the pace and really up our strength and conditioning..  Simple kettlebell/push up workout.  Take 3-5 minutes rest in between rounds.  

2 Rounds

10 OH squats L
10 push ups
10 OH squats R
10 sit ups
12 swing L
10 push ups
12 swing R
10 sit ups
14 jerks L
10 push ups
14 jerks R
10 sit ups
16 snatch L
10 push ups
16 snatch R
10 sit ups

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Sunday, September 26, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to do grab bag workout.  Put several different body weight, kettlebell, barbell, etc.. exercises into a bag and have your team pick one out.  Figure out if you are going to  do reps or time, and there you have a training session.  It is a fun way for the group to have some input into what they are doing, but the mad scientist always decides what ingredients go into the formula..  So choose your exercises wisely.

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey and Manny always..

Saturday, September 25, 2021


 Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a farmer's walk circuit from Pavel Krotov.  1 minute intervals. 20 seconds carry / 20 seconds double kettlebell movements / 20 second rest.  Should be a good go.. 

3 Rounds

20 seconds Carry / 20 seconds Work set / 20 seconds Rest 

Farmer's walk / SCDL

Rack walk / Bent Over Row

OH Carry / Double Clean

Farmer's walk / Front Squat

Rack walk / Double Jerk  

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today, for something a bit different and fun, we are going to roll the dice.. Pick six bodyweight exercises and make each one correspond to a number on a die followed by 5 heavy kettlebell swings. 

For example : Roll a 6, perform 10 dips, perform 5 swings.. roll again.. etc.. etc..

20 minute time cap

5 Heavy kettlebell swings after each movement

10 Reps per roll

#1 Push-ups
#2 Sit-ups
#3 Jump Squats
#4 Sit-outs
#5 Burpees
#6 Dips

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a kettlebell chipper.  Each exercise will be performed 50-40-30-20-10 reps.  So tons of volume today.  Don't worry, no burpees ;-).. This is a fast efficient way to get a ton of work completed in short amount of time.  Pick 3-4 movements and get after it.  As always, never sacrifice form for speed.  If you need to stop and take a break, do so..


Kettlebell swings
Bodyweight Squats 
Flutter Kicks 

Extra : Row, Run, or Bike for meters, miles or time..  

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement and foam roller.  Simple sequence today.  Turkish get ups.  Simply set your timer and go.  I like to get as many in a row as I can with one arm before I switch to singles. 20 minutes of TGUs broken up into 5 minute segments with a 500 meter row chaser t0 make things interesting.  Throw in some more flexibility movements at the end, and call it a day.

4 Sets of 

5 Minutes of TGUs
500 Meter Row

splits, back bridges, head and hand stands, wall walks, and gymnastic movements

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always..

Monday, September 20, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to incorporate Bulgarian Bags and plates into a dual threat session.  Complimentary movements to get multi plane action to engage all of the little stabilizers that your body relies on daily.  The movements are broken up into couplets. Do 20 reps per couplet. 

3 Rounds
20 reps per couplet

BB Spins / Plate Spins
BB Snap Downs / Plate Snatch
BB Press / Plate Press
BB Hammer Curl / Plate Triple Crush
BB Jump Squat / Plate OH Squat
BB Sit-up / Plate Russian Twist
BB Hi-Pull / Plate Row
BB Arm Throw / Plate Axe Chop
BB Donut swing / Plate Sots Press
BB Push-up / Plate Chest Press

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Sunday, September 19, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit two "On the Clock" segments. 20 minutes to get your heart pumping and muscles flaring.  The first is a 10 minute EMOTM couplet with swings and goblet squats.  The second is a 10 minute AMRAP.   Both will push you and get the blood flowing.

10 Minute EMOTM

20 Swings (Odd) / 2 Burpee
15 Goblet Squats (Even) / 2 Burpee

10 Minute AMRAP

5 Jerk L
5 Jerk R
10 Push-Up
5 Row L
5 Row R
10 Jump Squat

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Saturday, September 18, 2021


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Killer combo week continues.... Alternating exercises today in 30 second intervals with 10 seconds change time.  This is a great conditioning work out.

6 Rounds (total of 24 minutes of work time)

Fitball swing squats / ab wheel

Step ups / push ups

Fitball smashes / back extension

Fitball spins / dips

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and manny always.. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit another combo training session with the rower and kettlebells.  If you don't have access to a rower, run, bike, or use a stair climber.  Focus on consistency of effort.  Try and make each interval as the last.  This is an endurance session not a sprint.  By the same token, it is not a jog either.  

4 sets 

Row, Run, Bike 500M

25 (Moderate weight Double Clean and Jerk)

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Warm up with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Today we are going to to do some high intensity circuit training (HIIT).  It will combine many of the areas that we have been working on this week during training especially hip and hamstring mobility, strength, and flexibility.  It is a 40-20 go for 5 rounds. Get warmed up and HIIT it!!!

5 rounds
40 seconds on / 20 seconds off

Airdyne or row sprint
Ukrainian dead lift
Bosu ball chest press
TRX pistol squat (alternating legs)
 2 handed swing
Cool down, have a nice day...  El Rey and Manny always..  

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Today we are going to do the FIST version of the plate workout.  So begin with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Now that the weather is changing, spend a little more time warming up to heat up your engine.  Wrestling season is coming, we hope!!..

4 minutes of 30 second intervals of calisthenics (jumping jacks, mountain climbers, gorilla jacks, squats)

Use any plate you want- 10, 25, 35, or 45lbs.

clean and press
front squat
tricep extension
axe choppers 
bent over rows

25 yd sprint

Do all of the plate exercises and then sprint. 6 full rounds of plate movements and 6 sprints.  Rest 1-2 minutes in between sets.  No longer than 2 minutes.

Cool down, have a nice day.. EL Rey and Manny always...

Monday, September 13, 2021


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to put multiple Bulgarian Bag together movements to make one rep.  It will be a challenging flow that will tax the grip and force the entire body to work as we push through 50 reps.. Enjoy.. 

1/2 Deck of cards warmup

Black cards are jumping jacks
Red Cards are Cossack squats

FIST BB Blaster

50 Reps

1 Rep includes in succession:

Spin L / Spin R
Snap Down
Power Clean
Front Squat

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Sunday, September 12, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a 4 movement EMOTM training session.  5 Rounds to make it a total of 20 minutes of work.  Make sure you're getting your mobility movements in to avoid unnecessary injuries.  Have some fun and lets go!!

5 Rounds EMOTM

15 Double Kettlebell Swings
15 Double Kettlebell Front Squats
10 Double Kettlebell Press
10 SCDL 

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Saturday, September 11, 2021

September 11, 2021

Remember and reflect today.  Think about someone that you love or haven't spoken to in a while or years.  Maybe today is the day you reconnect with them.  Life is precious, and cherish the moments you have with those you care about to the fullest. Be Grateful.. Be Kind.. Be of Love and Service.. 

Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are hitting the steel and bodyweight conditioning movements for a strength and conditioning combo.  I love using bodyweight movements for sprints, it's a great way to raise the heart rate without actually running. :-)  We will be working explosive lifts, so after each sprint take a few minutes of recovery time.


Kettlebell Cleans / 20 second Fast Feet  
BB Spins / 20 second Split Jump
Kettlebell Lunges / 20 second Burpee
Dips / 20 second High Knees
Double Kettlebell Row / 20 second Jump Squat

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always 

Friday, September 10, 2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021


Simple workout today.  Just run.. Warm up with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Then 5 minutes of calisthenics : push ups, sit ups, lunges, squats, mountain climbers, etc.. whatever you want in 30 second intervals.

Start the clock:

Run 5k or 3.1 miles 

5 - 10 yard sprints
5 - 20 yard sprints
5 - 30 yard sprints

6 minutes of 30 second intervals of abs

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Today we are going to do a barbell-like workout.. We are going to combine all of the Olympic lifts and make them into a circuit.  So begin with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Use manageable kettlebell as it pertains to weight.  
Each lift is done in succession. Don't move on to the next exercise until you have finished the previous one. 

4 rounds

5 suit case dead lift
5 dead kettlebell clean
5 double kettlebell snatch
5 jerks 
5 flutter kicks (4 counts)
5 burpee

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and manny always.. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a simple training session.  FIST 100s.. Great mental test and endurance builder.  Focus on form.. NOT speed.. Nail each rep.. Do not move on until you've completed each exercise. Chalk up and get after it..


100 swings
100 squats
100 walkouts
100 rows
100 jerks

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always.. 

Monday, September 6, 2021


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a slow controlled series of movements that hits the whole body.  Turkish get ups.  We're going to keep it super simple.  Just set the timer and go. One suggestion, try and do multiple reps with the same arm.  This will help stability, strength, stamina and mobility in the shoulders.

Your call on time.. 10-15-20 minutes.. Its up to you..
Use an appropriate weight for multiple reps for an extended period of time.

1500 M row or 1 mile run for a bit of extra conditioning.

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Sunday, September 5, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit an EMOTM training session. This will incorporate bodyweight moments as well as kettlebell movements for a full body training session.  10 rounds of each..

20 Minutes EMOTM:

Odd Minutes:

5 Chin-ups
10 BB Jump Squats

Even Minutes :

5 Double Swings
10 Double Jerks 

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Saturday, September 4, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a Bulgarian Bag / Row combo training session.  Timed sets on the rower followed by an endurance set with the Bulgarian bag.  Great full body workout and awesome developer of grip and mental strength.

5 sets of 4 Minutes on the rower followed by the BB circuit below.  Max Meters on the rower and 100 reps with the BB.

20 BB Squats

20 Snapdowns

20 Spins 

20 Presses

20 Arm Throw

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Thursday, September 2, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller. Hitting the dungeon today for a heavy bag and calisthenic training session.  If you don't have access to a heavy bag, grab two small dumbbells, or even to cans of soup to use as resistance and shadow box.  Believe me, it'll be harder than you think.

10 rounds

30 seconds heavy bag (punch, kick, elbow)
30 seconds shadow wrestling (shots, sprawls, fakes, downblocks, footwork)
20 push ups
20 sit ups
20 cossack squats

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey and Manny always.. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to do some HIIT interval training.  The twist is what exercises we will do will be drawn from the grab bag.  One thing is certain, ropes will be included.  It is a fun way to mix things up.  Write down several different exercises body weight, kettlebell, running, or barbell, and put them into a bag.  Pick a couple out, and you have your circuit. You can make your intervals as long or as short as you would like.  We are going to go with a 2:1 ratio of work to rest.  Pick 5 exercises (including ropes) out of the bag for 5 rounds of 30 seconds on 15 seconds to switch stations.  Have fun with it.

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey and Manny always..