Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a kettlebell / bodyweight combo.  Multiple reps to work up a sweat and get the heart pumping.  Remember to always focus on form rather than speed.  Speedy reps tend to become lousy reps as you tire.


Swing L
Squat Thrust
Swing R
Hi Pull / Catch / Squat combo 

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always.. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Today is a simple body weight circuit.  You can do this if you have access to a rowing machine, outside, or on a treadmill if you want.  It is a great cardio/conditioning workout.

8 rounds

Run or Row 200m
50 body weight squats
40 bench dips
30 crunches
20 push ups
10 sit outs

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Monday, September 28, 2020


Warm up with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Today is a super simple workout.  Just two movements. Turkish get ups and suit case dead lifts.  It is a great full body workout, plus a little extra for the posterior chain.  Make sure that you hit the foam roller after you are finished as well.  This is sneaky hard. 

15 minutes amrap 

2 TGUs L
2 TGUs R

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Sunday, September 27, 2020


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Shoulders and hips are a little sore from yesterday.. So spend some extra time getting them going.  Today we are going to do 20/10 tabata protocol.  It is 8 sets of one exercise where you work for 20 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.  The work has to be done as hard as possible.  Usually, by the last set, you are shot.

20 on / 10 off  8 total sets (do not go on to the next exercise until you have completed 8 sets)

seal push ups
single arm thruster
split jumps
heavy swing
heavy bent over row
pilates ab blasters

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always.. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are goin to hit a 5 round 20 minute EMOTM full body strength and conditioning session.  We will utilize bodyweight, kettlebells and Bulgarian Bags.  These sessions are a great way to pack a ton of volume into a short amount of time.  Get after it..

20 minutes 5 Rounds EMOTM

20 Hand to Hand Swings
25 BB Jump Squats
20 BB Spins
10 BB Burpee / Press Combos 

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Thursday, September 24, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a simple training session.  FIST 100s.. Great mental test and endurance builder.  Focus on form.. NOT speed.. Nail each rep.. Do not move on until you've completed each exercise. Chalk up and get after it..


100 swings
100 squats
100 walkouts
100 rows
100 jerks

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always.. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller. Today we are going to hit a single movement EMOTM training session using kettlebells, Bulgarian Bag and bodyweight.  Each movement will be a certain number of reps.  If you complete the reps in less than a minute, you get to rest.  If you don't, then you head directly into the next movement.

3 Rounds

Minute 1
20 Spin / Arm Throw Combo
Minute 2
30 Alternating Kettlebell Rows
Minute 3
40 BB Jump Squats
Minute 4
20 SEAL Push-ups
Minute 5
20 Reverse Kettlebell Lunge

Hand stand holds, back bridges, splits

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Today we are going to hit a great strength training workout.  We will utilize 2 kettlebells, or use dumbbells if they are all you have access to for training.  The reps are going to be as strict as possible.  Try not and dip or push press (use a manageable weight). Get a good warmup and get going.

Rep range

See Saw Press
15L/15R, 10L/10R, 5L/5R

Double High Pull
30, 20, 10

Goblet Squat
30, 20, 10

Push up
30, 20, 10

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Monday, September 21, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to do some HIIT interval training.  The twist is what exercises we will do will be drawn from the grab bag.  One thing is certain, ropes will be included.  It is a fun way to mix things up.  Write down several different exercises body weight, kettlebell, running, or barbell, and put them into a bag.  Pick a couple out, and you have your circuit. You can make your intervals as long or as short as you would like.  We are going to go with a 2:1 ratio of work to rest.  Pick 5 exercises (including ropes) out of the bag for 5 rounds of 30 seconds on 15 seconds to switch stations.  Have fun with it.

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always..

Sunday, September 20, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit an EMOTM training session.  Evens and odds for 16 minutes.   Two separate challenges for each segment.  Get warmed up and get after it.


8 Kettlebell Jump Squat
5 Hi pull / Catch / Squat
6 Plank Jacks

5 BB Burpees
5 Snap Downs
10 Spins

Feel free to add reps to make it more challenging


3 sets of 5 Hex Bar Dead Lifts
3 sets of Handstand Holds

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always.. 

Saturday, September 19, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a ladder training session.  We will be utilizing a rowing machine.  If you don't have access to a rowing machine, use a stationary bike, elliptical, or just run.  There is always a way if you are willing.. Get after it.

Row 250M
25 Swings
20 Push-ups
15 KB Goblet Squats
10 KB Snatch
5 Burpee

Row 500M
(Circuit above)
Row 750M
(Circuit above)
Row 1000M
(Circuit above)

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020


Beautiful morning for ladders... Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Ladder sets are great muscle endurance tests.  Make sure that you don't sacrifice form to just get through it quickly.  Focus on making each rep count.

Each set goes 2-4-6-8.  So you run through each exercise 2 reps, then 4 reps, and so on until you reach 8.

Set 1
Body weight
jumping jacks
push ups
squat thrust

Set 2
2 handed swings
double cleans
double snatch
2 handed swing

Set 3
kettlebell/body weight combo
chin ups
SCDL (suitcase dead lift)
back/ham raise

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always..

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Wood chipper.  5 sets.. Kettlebell single arm movements and Bulgarian Bag combos.  This will help you continue to fine tune each movement.  Always looking for improvement.  Simple, but effective.  Take rest needed, but don't exceed 2 minutes.

5 Sets

10 Heavy One Arm Swings 5L/5R
20 Spins 10 L/R
10 Heavy Cleans 5L/5R
20 Arm Throws 10 L/R
10 Heavy Jerks 5L/5R
20 Snap Downs
10 Heavy Snatch 5L/5R

4 - 30 second battling rope conditioning periods..   

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always.. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a clubbell flow.  A series of movements to work the whole body.  This one is sneaky hard and the cumulative effect of all of the volume will slowly creep up on you.  If you don't have a clubbell, you can use a dumbbell or kettlebell.

50 reps (all movements = 1 rep)

Pull over


Halo L/R

Torch Press

Rotational Torch Press L/R

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always...   

Monday, September 14, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement and foam roller.  Today we are going to use the TRX suspension trainer for an all bodyweight training session.  5 exercises of 10 reps each for 10 sets with no rest.  Give yourself some transition time with the TRX but really push your pace.  Try and crush this as quickly, effectively, and efficiently as possible. 

10 reps of each for 10 sets

Deltoid flyes
Curls / Tricep Extensions
Pistol squats
Saw Pikes
Knee Tucks

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always..

Sunday, September 13, 2020


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to put multiple Bulgarian Bag together movements to make one rep.  It will be a challenging flow that will tax the grip and force the entire body to work as we push through 50 reps.. Enjoy.. 

1/2 Deck of cards warmup

Black cards are jumping jacks
Red Cards are Cossack squats

FIST BB Blaster

50 Reps

1 Rep includes in succession:

Spin L / Spin R
Snap Down
Power Clean
Front Squat

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a 4 movement EMOTM training session.  5 Rounds to make it a total of 20 minutes of work.  Make sure you're getting your mobility movements in to avoid unnecessary injuries.  Have some fun and lets go!!

5 Rounds EMOTM

15 Double Kettlebell Swings
15 Double Kettlebell Front Squats
10 Double Kettlebell Press
10 SCDL 

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

September 11, 2020

Remember and reflect today.  Think about someone that you love or haven't spoken to in a while or years.  Maybe today is the day you reconnect with them.  Life is precious, and cherish the moments you have with those you care about to the fullest.

Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are hitting the steel and bodyweight conditioning movements for a strength and conditioning combo.  I love using bodyweight movements for sprints, it's a great way to raise the heart rate without actually running. :-)  We will be working explosive lifts, so after each sprint take a few minutes of recovery time.


Kettlebell Cleans / 20 second Fast Feet  
BB Spins / 20 second Split Jump
Kettlebell Lunges / 20 second Burpee
Dips / 20 second High Knees
Double Kettlebell Row / 20 second Jump Squat

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always 

Thursday, September 10, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to train using clubbells.  If you don't have access to them, you can use kettlebells or dumbbells.  Clubbells really work your grip and are very top heavy so they are force you to utilize your core to remain balanced and in control.  Also, they are tremendous for joint mobility and are an exceptional multi-plane exercise tool.  Also, they are just fun to work out with too.  Just another different way to keep your body guessing..

5 rounds:
20 front swing
12 clean and front squat
12 pull over/halos
12 front press
5 chin ups

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a bodyweight chipper.  Each exercise will be performed 30-20-10 reps.  So tons of volume today.  Don't worry, no burpees ;-).. This is a fast efficient way to get a ton of work completed in short amount of time.  Pick 5-6 movements and get after it.  As always, never sacrifice form for speed.  If you need to stop and take a break, do so..

Down then Up... 


In and Out Squats
SEAL Push-ups 
Side to Side Lunge  
Flutter Kicks
Tripod Extension 

Extra : Row, Run, or Bike for meters, miles or time..  

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam rollers.  Today we are going to hit the whole body with the Turkish get up.  This is a great strength building exercise.  You are putting your body under tension and improving your overall strength, shoulder mobility, grip strength, stamina and flexibility.  It is especially beneficial for the hip mobility, hip extension, and spinal extension.

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always..  

Monday, September 7, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a simple training session.  There is only 1 movement, but the penalty for stopping could add up exponentially.  As always, make sure that you're be honest with yourself.  No sense, you're only cheating yourself if your form breaks down.  So, each time you have to stop, there will be a bodyweight  exercise penalty.

500 two handed swings
1st time you stop, the penalty is 2 burpees.  Add 2 for every other stop after the 1st.
For example stop #6 should be 12, stop #10 should be 20..

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always.. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a strength circuit with a touch of conditioning.  Have to get the heart pumping to simulate match conditions.  This helps keep the sweat going.  Make sure you're good and warm and hit it.

5 Rounds
6 Hex Bar Dead Lift
8 Pull-ups
5 Box Jump
25 yard farmer's carry (heavy)
25 yard sled push (heavy)

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always..

Saturday, September 5, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a bodyweight and Bulgarian Bag circuit.  Timed sets and time to switch positions. Simple multi-round circuit.  Get after it..

3 Rounds and then switch up movements.. Bulgarian Bag, Bodyweight, & Rope movements only..

3 Rounds 

30 seconds on / 10 seconds off

BB Snaps
Plank up-downs
BB hi-pull
BB Step ups

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always..

Friday, September 4, 2020


It's been a hard couple of days... Need to recharge.. Yoga with Lesley Fightmaster..

Namaste..  El Rey always.. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit the ladder, and train in a ladder format.  We are also going to doing our grab bag for the exercises that we are going to perform.  Pick 5-10 different movements and perform them in ladder fashion.  Go through each movement one rep, then perform each movement two reps, three, and so on until you reach your numbers.  5 or more exercises, keep the reps  low like 1-5 (5 being the max # of reps per movement). 5 or less go 5-10 reps.  Either way, you still get a tremendous workout.

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Killer combo week continues.... Alternating exercises today in 30 second intervals with 10 seconds change time.  This is a great conditioning work out.

6 Rounds (total of 24 minutes of work time)

Fitball swing squats / ab wheel

Jump Rope / push ups

Fitball smashes / good mornings

Fitball spins / dips

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller...  Today we are going to hit the El Diablo 666 workout.  It consists of 6 exercises of 6 reps each for 6 rounds with no rest.  It is a killer.  So to begin we'll be doing 6 minutes of calisthenics to make sure we are good and ready to get 'er done.

6 rounds
6 exercises
6 reps each
No rest

6 minutes of calisthenics

2 handed swings
Side to Side Kettlebell Push ups
Kettlebell jump squats
Snatch L
Snatch R

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always..