Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Very simple body weight workout today.  All you need is yourself, a stop watch, an ab wheel, and a box, stair, aerobic step, wall.  These challenges are all done for time.  If you feel your form breaking down, stop, catch your breath and try and keep going.  It is perfectly acceptable to do this.  It is you against the clock.  This will create a bench mark time to shoot for when we do this challenge again in the future.

For time:
100 burpees
rest 2-3 minutes
100 jump squats
rest 2-3 minutes
50 ab wheel

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always...

Monday, April 29, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to go up and down the ladder.  Choose a series of movements and begin with 1 rep of each and work to 10 reps of each and then back down to 1.  Take rest as needed, but try and power through the whole set.  This is a great strength and conditioning combination.


1 to 10
10 to 1

suit case deadlift (moderate weight)
bent over row
push up
double jerks (moderate weight)

squat thrust

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Sunday, April 28, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility dynamic movement, and foam roller... Today we are going to hit a workout my friend showed me in Muscle and Fitness.  It is based on a crossfit wod.  It combines three power movements : dead lift, clean, and push press.  The FIST variation will be done with kettlebells in lieu of the barbell version in the magazine.  It looks like a brutal test.. Here is the link to the article http://www.muscleandfitness.com/training/routines/crossfit-wod-fight-finish It should be fun.  I also added a kick in the butt at the end with the thrusters.  Once you begin the round, the bells can't leave your hands.

5 rounds

9 Double Kettlebell Cleans
6 Double Push Press
3 Thrusters

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Saturday, April 27, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to do grab bag workout.  Put several different body weight, kettlebell, barbell, etc.. exercises into a bag and have your team pick one out.  Figure out if you are going to  do reps or time, and there you have a training session.  It is a fun way for the group to have some input into what they are doing, but the mad scientist always decides what ingredients go into the formula..  So choose your exercises wisely.

Cool down, have a nice day...  El Rey always..

Friday, April 26, 2019

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a chipper.  Down and then back up similar to a ladder, but different exercises and different rep ranges.  Keep focused on form rather than speed.  There is a ton of volume.  Get after it..

2 Rounds

50 hi-pull / catch / goblet squat
40 push-ups
30 figure 8 / static hold
20 sit-ups
10 snatch L
10 snatch R
20 sit-ups
30 figure 8 / static hold
40 push-ups
50 hi-pull / catch / goblet squat

50 sledge smashes

Wall walks, bridges, splits, hand/head stands

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a multiple round strength and conditioning circuit.  It'll get your heart pumping and your muscles pumped.  Full body go, so get a good warmup and get after it..

10 Rounds

5 baseball pull-ups
6 kettlbell cleans
7 burpee box jumps
8 heavy lunge 4L/4R
9 dips
10 ab wheel

rest as needed in between rounds 

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey always.. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a one round crusher. One gut check round.. Should be some fun.. Thanks to my friend for sharing this session that he did with his Crossfit group.. "Fitz.. this one is right up your alley.."  Good stuff and thanks.. Made a few slight modifications, but looks tough... 

20 Swings
30 Single Thruster L
20 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
20 Sumo Squat
30 Burpees
20 Single Thruster R
200m Farmer's Walk
20 Swings

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always..

Monday, April 22, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a FitBall and Battling Ropes combo.  Several sets of 1 FitBall movement followed by a turn with the ropes.  This is a great core/grip/endurance/strength training session.  Very simple in design.  Use your timer and work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds.  Similar to a tabata protocol, but it is an effective way to work with a large group and get tons of reps.

Arm Throws

Swing Squat
FitBall Smash
Snap Downs

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey always.. 

Sunday, April 21, 2019


Happy Easter!! Enjoy the day with family and friends!!  Back at it tomorrow!!

Pax Vobiscum.. El Rey always.. 

Saturday, April 20, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to busting out another HIIT.  5 exercises for 1 minute of work 10 seconds of rest for 20 minutes.  This will be a full body go with strength, endurance and cardio all rolled into one.  Get after it.

4 Rounds
1 Minute on 10 Seconds off

Reverse Lunge / Press combos L/R
Squat Thrust / Muay Thai Knee combos L/R
Hi-Pull / Catch / Goblet Squat
Plank holds
Hand to Hand Kettlebell Swings

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Friday, April 19, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement and foam roller. Today we are going to do a long timed set.  You will try and complete as many rounds as you can in the allotted time (amrap).  This type of workout can be mentally challenging, because it is just you against the clock.  Only you will know if you gave your all, so make it happen.

10 minute warm up (joint mobility, calisthenics, bike, or rower)

20 minutes amrap

5 double kettlebell dead snatch 
50 jump rope skips
20 push ups
10 ring row
20 flutter kicks

10 minute cool down (yoga poses, 
joint mobility, bike or rower cool down)

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to do Bulgarian Bag / kettlebell combo today along with some flexibility work.  Matching movements with different pieces of equipment.  Although the mechanics of the movement are similar, but different small muscles groups are taxed when using the Bulgarian Bag and vice versa with the kettlebell.

reps and time
60 seconds on the clock for work set. 
12 reps for "super set"..  

snap downs / single arm snatches L/R
doughnut swings / swings
BB cleans / double cleans
spins / halos
good mornings / scdl

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always..  

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a kettlebell and bodyweight circuit.  Simple exercises put together to form a great training session. Remember that we don't focus on speed.. Good form good results.. Lousy form lousy results and possible injury.

7 Rounds

7 heavy sumo squat / upright row
7 heavy swing
7 push-ups
7 goblet press

30 second airdyne sprint

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Monday, April 15, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  We are going to hit a 5 round full body tilt.  Try and get after it with as little rest as possible.  Make sure that you're focusing quality reps rather than speed.  "Slow is fast and fast is slow.."  Enjoy..

5 Rounds

10 reps of each movement

Hand release push up
Leg lift
Strict seated KB shoulder press (moderate weight no cheating stay strict) 5L/5R
KB pullover
Goblet squat
Split jumps
Squat thrust sit-out combos 5L/5R
One Arm row 5L/5R

25 yd. Sprint

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to work through 4 sets of 5 movements.  We will work for 50 seconds and rest for only 10 seconds for a total of 20 minutes. Make sure you get a solid warmup and then get 'er done..

4 Rounds of 50 seconds of work / 10 seconds of rest

Hand to Hand Swings
Goblet Squat
Dead Snatch L
Dead Snatch R
Plank Holds (side L/R,  push up position, low hold, elbows)

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit an EMOTM training session. This will incorporate bodyweight moments as well as kettlebell movements for a full body training session.  10 rounds of each..

20 Minutes EMOTM:

Odd Minutes:

15 Push-ups
10 Bodyweight Jump Squats

Even Minutes :

5 Swings

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Friday, April 12, 2019

Thursday, April 11, 2019


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Strength day today. One movement. Longer rest, short reps, heavier weight. Warm up that posterior chain well, dead lifts today as well as the rest of your body.  The dead lift is an exercise that you perform daily probably without even realizing it.

10 sets of 3
70% of your max (for example if your max is 100 pounds workout with 70 pounds for 10 sets of 3)
5 burpees after each set
2 minutes rest in between sets

Cool down, have a nice day..       

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a Bulgarian Bag and Battling Ropes combo.  Several sets of 1 Bulgarian Bag movement followed by a turn with the ropes.  This is a great core/grip/endurance/strength training session.  Very simple in design.  Use your timer and work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds.  Similar to a tabata protocol, but it is an effective way to work with a large group and get tons of reps.

Arm Throws
Clean and Front squat
Hammer Curls
Snap Downs

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always.. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Today we are going to hit the clubbells.  They are a great grip building, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular tools.  This is just another odd object to mix up your training, and they can put it on you..

10 reps per hand for 10 rounds

side swing
torch press
shoulder casts
pull over / squats
side snatch
rear lunge flag drive

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always..

Monday, April 8, 2019


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement.  Simple sequence today.  Turkish get ups.  Simply set your timer and go.  I like to get as many in a row as I can with one arm before I switch to singles. 15-20 minutes with no rest usually gets it done.  Throw in some more stretching at the end, and call it a day.

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey always..

Sunday, April 7, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a nice circuit with jump rope being the center piece.  Simple low rep kettlebell and jump rope 10 round go today followed by a short 3 set strength segment.  Fight the cold and start to sweat.. Enjoy

10 rounds

5 SEAL Push-ups
10 Hand to Hand Kettlebell Swings

10 Kettlebell Clean and Jerk 5L/5R
5 Double Kettlebell Bent Over Row
30 seconds Jump Rope

3 sets of 5 Hex Bar Dead Lift

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey always.. 

Saturday, April 6, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit the Bulgarian Body Bag with some burpees and running.  Should be fun.  We'll get our heart rates up, and attack our grips to make friends with fatigue.

 5 rounds

25 yd sprint 
10 presses 
30 spins 15L/15R
50 squats w/ bag on your shoulders
25 yd burpee broad jump 

Cool down, have a nice day...  EL Rey always.. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today the kitchen sink circuit.  We are going to hit the Bulgarian bag, kettlebells, ab wheel, bodyweight, clubbell, barbells and ropes.  You mix them all together and you get a great training session.  Lots of conditioning with the ropes and great grip and functional strength with the sled, box jumps, Bulgarian Bag, clubs, bells, barbells and your own bodyweight.  Get after it..

30 seconds on / 10 seconds off
Bulgarian Bags
Ab wheels
Box jumps

You decide your exercises.  Make sure you have a good balance of push/pull/explosive movements.

 Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always.. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to mix slow and steady with fast and explosive in a ladder session.  Only up the ladder.. ;-)  Slow and steady Turkish get-ups.  Fast and explosive Burpees.  Add them together = great training.

Up the ladder :

1 Burpee
2 Burpee
You get the idea.. (Goal: make it to 10 reps per side without having to switch arms)

**Try not to switch arms during TGUs.  If you must add 2 burpees on to your total for the round as a penalty**

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always..

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller..  Today we are going to hit a multi-round kettlebell complex.  Strength, endurance, and mental fortitude are need to get through this one.  Once you start the round, you can't put the bells down, or there is a penalty.. ;-)

5 rounds

12 Double Kettlebell Swing
9 Double Kettlebell Clean and Front Squat
6 Double Kettlebell Jerks
3 Bent Over Row
Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always.. 

Monday, April 1, 2019


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a short rep strength circuit.  Focusing on shoulders and legs.  Old school body building format with a conditioning twist or two.  So load up the plates and get ready to get after it.

6 Rounds
5 Barbell back squat
5 Double kettlebell lunge
5 Box Jump
5 Chain Back Extension
5 Barbell Upright Row
5 Strict kettlebell press

Bridges, head/hand stands, &  wall walks 

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey always..