Thursday, December 31, 2020


Happy New Year!!!!  Last training session of 2020!! Lets make it a good one.    Start thinking about those 2021 fitness goals.. First we row, bike, or run.. Then, we are going to hit tabata style couplets.  2 exercises, alternated 8 sets.. i.e.  swings and pushups.. Do one interval of swings then one interval of pushups after the 10 second break.  Finally row, bike or run.. So choose your movements wisely and get after it!!

Row 1,000M (Keep split time as low as possible), bike 5 Miles, or run 1 Mile
20 seconds on 10 seconds off

Heavy swings

Feet to hands

Split jumps

Goblet squats

Row 1,000M, bike 5 Miles, or run 1 Mile

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always.. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Grab bag workout.  Put 10 kettlebell and body weight exercises in a bag.  Pick them out and place them in order. Do 15 reps of each. For example, you pick 1 arm swing, that is 15 reps of swings per arm.  You can put down anything... single bells, double bells, what ever you like.. It is really fun and keeps everyone guessing. 

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey always.. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to do a 20 minute go with as many rounds as possible.  I like these because you really can push yourself.  Just you against the clock.  Of course, we don't sacrifice technique and form to get the reps.. Make sure that you  are doing things the correct way to avoid injury.

20 minutes AMRAP

250m row
10 Reverse lunges
5 Pull ups (use assistance if needed)
10 Kettlebell double jerks
10 Fitball smashes 

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Monday, December 28, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a single kettlebell flow.  Make sure that you choose your bell wisely.  Once we start, there will be no rest until you finish the sequence on both arms.  Get loose and get after it.

3-5 Rounds

10 SEAL Push-ups
Then go through this flow 5X before switching arms
Clean & Jerk
OH Lunge

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always..

Sunday, December 27, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic  movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a brutal bodyweight training session.  There will be no weights involved.  There will be a mental test.  There are no rep limits.  Just the clock.  So push yourself until the buzzer.

All body weight

1 minute on 10 seconds off

Jumping Jacks
Push Ups
Full Sit Ups
Mountain Climbers
Air Squats
Cossack Squat
Hip Circles
Plank up and downs
Split Jumps
SEAL Push Ups
Table Top Hold 
Squat Thrust
Flutter Kicks

Max pull ups, dips, and chin ups

Cool down, have a nice day..  EL Rey always.. 

Saturday, December 26, 2020


Boxing Day.. Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to do a simple workout.  All you need is your own body weight, and a kettlebell.  Time to work off some that Christmas Cheer.. Rowing, jump rope or ADB are some of those sneaky hard exercises that really force your whole body to work. Try and do this with as little rest as possible.

10 rounds

1 minute row, jump rope, or airdyne bike 
20 swings
20 push ups
20 thrusters 10L / 10 R

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always... 

Friday, December 25, 2020


A FIST holiday tradition..  Rest day.. Regardless of your religious beliefs, take today and reflect on the important things of your life... Family (pets included) and friends.. As Tiny Tim says, "God Bless us, every one."

Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring,
Except the dedicated people who train at FIST.
While people were all snug in their beds
Those at FIST were pressing stuff over their heads.
I, with my stop watch and kettlebell in hand
Had slugged down some coffee so I could lead this band.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
People in the neighborhood knew what was the matter
It was the pushing of a sled by the nuts from FIST
Rocking their morning workout, "They must have lost their wits!"
So come and join us for fun and bells,
I promise it won't be living hell.
So to all of my FIST family,
I just have to say,
"Always train hard,
Cool down and have a nice day.."

Merry Christmas.. El Rey always..

Thursday, December 24, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Twas the day before Christmas.. Great time to get together with the FIST family, virtually this year :-( ,  and rip out some training.  This is a one round chipper.  Focus on quality reps with form rather than speed.  Power through and remained focused.  This is a sneaky hard session.  Enjoy..

24 kettlebell snatches L
24 push ups
24 squat thrusts
24 squat / front raise combos
24 arm throws
24 donut swings
24 jump squats
24 split jump press combo
24 kettlebell snatches R

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always..

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Happy Birthday Mom!!  Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit an 10 exercise chipper.  After each movement, perform 10 burpees.  This is a tremendous way to pack a ton of volume into a short span of time.  So push hard and enjoy..

10 burpees after each movement 

20 Squats
20 Swings
20 BB Spins
20 Sit-Ups
20 Sit-Outs
20 Jerks
20 Snap Downs
20 KB Cleans
20 Push-ups

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, foam roller, and dynamic movement.  Rack 'em up.  Old school back squat with a box jump chaser, 1 legged dead lifts, and a little foot work.  Simple strength and conditioning day.  If you don't have access to a squat rack, you can use dumbells, kettlebells, or body weight (just increase the reps a bit).  You can also roll out after each round to continue to break up fascia in your legs.  This will increase blood flow and help muscle tissue to recuperate.

5 sets

5 back squats (increase work load each work set after warmup set)
5 L/R one legged dead lifts
10 step ups 
agility ladder
50 jump rope skips

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always..

Monday, December 21, 2020


Warm up with joint mobility, foam roller, an dynamic movement.  Today we are going to hit a bodyweight conditioner.  If you don't have access to an Airdyne bike, you can do Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks, Sprints, Burpees, or any other heart pumper.  Get warmed up and hit it.

  3 Rounds

1 minute airdyne
20 jump squats
1 minute jump rope
20 push ups
1 minute airdyne
20 back extensions
1 minute jump rope
20 medicine ball smashes
1 minute airdyne
20 chest to bar

Rest 1-2 minutes after each round.

 Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to put multiple Bulgarian Bag together movements to make one rep.  It will be a challenging flow that will tax the grip and force the entire body to work as we push through 50 reps.. Enjoy.. 

1/2 Deck of cards warmup

Black cards are jumping jacks
Red Cards are Cossack squats

FIST BB Blaster

50 Reps

1 Rep includes in succession:

Spin L / Spin R
Snap Down
Power Clean
Front Squat

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Saturday, December 19, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit an EMOTM training session. This will incorporate bodyweight moments as well as kettlebell movements for a full body training session.  10 rounds of each..

20 Minutes EMOTM:

Odd Minutes:

15 Push-ups
10 Snatch 

Even Minutes :

10 Double Kettlebell Racked Alternating Reverse Lunge

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Friday, December 18, 2020

Thursday, December 17, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit some crazy 8s.  8 rounds of 8 reps of 8 exercises...  Great strength and conditioning go.. We will utilize kettlebells, bodyweight, and Bulgarian Bags.  It is a bit of a kitchen sink training session.  So get after it.  Make sure that you don't sacrifice form for speed.

8 rounds

8 Double kettlebell cleans
8 Clap Push Ups 
8 BB snap downs
8 Ab wheel
8 Jump Squats
8 Double swings
8 BB arm throw
8 Double kettlebell snatch

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today, for something a bit different and fun, we are going to roll the dice.. Pick six bodyweight exercises and make each one correspond to a number on a die followed by 5 heavy kettlebell swings. 

For example : Roll a 6, perform 10 dips, perform 5 swings.. roll again.. etc.. etc..

20 minute time cap

5 Heavy kettlebell swings after each movement

10 Reps per roll

#1 Push-ups
#2 Sit-ups
#3 BB Split Jump Lunge / Press Combo 
#4 BB Spins
#5  BB Squats
#6 BB Snapdowns

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movememtn, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a 45/15 kitchen sink training session.  For those of you who don't have access to equipment, I will provide bodyweight suggestions.  Keep training.  It benefits more than just your body.. 

20 Minutes

Each exercises can be performed with kettlebells, bodyweight, or "improvised weights". Go through this circuit TWICE for a great full body go!!

45 seconds on / 15 seconds off

Burpees (get 'em over with) ;-)
Heavy Sumo Squats - Alternate One Legged Dead Lift
Alternating Reverse Lunges
SEAL Push-ups
Static Squat or Wall Sit
Tricep Dips
Snatch L  - Alternate Star Jumps
Snatch R - Alternate High Knees 

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Monday, December 14, 2020


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a slow controlled series of movements that hits the whole body.  Turkish get ups.  We're going to keep it super simple.  Just set the timer and go. One suggestion, try and do multiple reps with the same arm.  This will help stability, strength, stamina and mobility in the shoulders.

Your call on time.. 10-15-20 minutes.. Its up to you..
Use an appropriate weight for multiple reps for an extended period of time.

1500 M row or 1 mile run for a bit of extra conditioning.

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020


 Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement and foam roller.  Today we are going to keep the Holiday theme going with the SANTA workout.  Not an original idea but I thought it looked pretty fun, and of course we will put the FIST spin on it as well.  Put on some Christmas music and get after it.

5 Rounds No Rest 

20 Reps of Each 

The S.A.N.T.A. session

S = Swings

A = Arm Throws

N = Narrow Squats

T = Triple Crush

A = Ab Wheel

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 


Saturday, December 12, 2020


Today we are going to perform the 12 days of Christmas with the Bulgarian Bag... You perform it like the song.. 1st day 1 Jump squat.. 2nd day 2 Upright row 1 Jump squat.. etc.. Any questions about Bulgarian Bag movements, watch this video.

On the twelve days of Christmas my true love gave to me..

12 Snap downs
11 Push ups
10 Shoulder presses
9 Hammer curls
8 Spins 4L / 4R
7 Good morning bends
6 Arm throw 3L/3R
5 BB Burpees
4 Lunges per side
Clean and front squat 
2 Upright Row
1 BB jump squat

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always..

Thursday, December 10, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to the dungeon and hitting a simple effective strength and conditioning session.  Two exercises.  Turkish Get Ups for strength, stability, and balance, and burpees for conditioning .  We are going to do it in ladder form up to 10.  Just one set, believe me, that'll be plenty reps..

Turkish Get Ups / Burpees
1 TGU L/ 1 TGU R / 1 Burpee
2 TGU L / 2 TGU R / 2 Burpee

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey always.. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Warm up with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Pretty straight forward.  Jail House training.. All body weight today. Today will be one of those sneaky hard crushers..

3-5 rounds 

100 Jump Rope
80 Crunches
60 Squats
40 Push ups
20 Sit outs (10L/10R)
5 Burpees 
5 Baseball pull-ups 

 Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always..

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Warm up with joint mobility and dynamic movement and just let that flow into today's workout.  Today we are going to do 5 you love (or don't mind so much) and 5 you hate..  These are all Bulgarian Bag movements today. So write down as many as you can think of, and then pick out 5 and 5.  Once you've decided on your 5 and 5 pair them together and do one exercise you "love" followed by one exercise you "hate".  Focus on improving upon the one you "hate".  Create a mental challenge and push through something that may be physically and mentally difficult.

Hit 10-15 reps of each

Snap downs
Hammer Curls
Cossack Squat

Donut swings
Jump Squats
BB Burpees
Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always..

Monday, December 7, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a single kettlebell flow.  Make sure that you choose your bell wisely.  Once we start, there will be no rest until you finish the sequence on both arms.  Get loose and get after it.

3-5 Rounds

10 SEAL Push-ups

Then go through this flow 5X before switching arms



Clean & Jerk



OH Lunge

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to four rounds of six minute mini sessions.  We call this match day.  Simulated six minute matches utilizing three or four movements with short reps for multiple rounds with no rest.  The first round will be a warmup round of calisthenics.  Shake off the cold and get 'er done..

Period 1
10 BB Snapdowns
5 SEAL Pushups
20 Flutter Kicks

Period 2 
10 Hand to Hand Swings
5 One Arm Row L
5 One Arm Row R
10 Split Jumps

Period 3
10 BB Clean and Front Squat
10 Jump Squat
20 Crunch

Period 4
10 BB Hi-Pulls
10 BB Spins
20 High Knees

Cool down, have a nice day... El Rey always.. 

Saturday, December 5, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to hit a workout that a buddy of mine gave me from his Crossfit group.  You will need a timer.  You simply set the clock for 1 minute, and then perform a series of exercises.  If you complete the exercises before the 1 minute elapses, then you get to rest.  Get ready, because when the minute timer buzzes you are off and going again.  Essentially, it pays to be a winner.  Once again, do not sacrifice speed for form..  We will put a FIST stamp on this by using the BB.

Row 1000M

Every minute on the minute for 16 minutes

20 Spins (Odd Minutes)

20 Jump Squats (Even Minutes)

Row 1000M

Gut exercises, handstand holds, back bridges..

Cool down, have a nice day.. El Rey always.. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Warmup with joint mobility, dynamic movement, and foam roller.  Today we are going to do some HIIT interval training.  The twist is what exercises we will do will be drawn from the grab bag.  One thing is certain, ropes will be included.  It is a fun way to mix things up.  Write down several different exercises body weight, kettlebell, running, or barbell, and put them into a bag.  Pick a couple out, and you have your circuit. You can make your intervals as long or as short as you would like.  We are going to go with a 2:1 ratio of work to rest.  Pick 5 exercises (including ropes) out of the bag for 5 rounds of 30 seconds on 15 seconds to switch stations.  Have fun with it.

Cool down, have a nice day..  El Rey always..